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Living Life Sensitively

Writer's picture: MadsMads

Growing up I didn't really have to worry about much. I was a happy, healthy little lady. Yes, I had mild reactions to bee stings and poison ivy, but other than that I could enjoy everything the outdoors had to offer. Then I turned 22. That's when the allergies started...

It all started with sensitivity. I was like any normal girl my age and was obsessed with using Bath and Body Works skin care products. I mean I had piles of their lotions, body wash, and sprays. A while back I would have a mild irritation on my arms when I used the lotion after a shower so I stopped doing that. Other than I was living the high life when it came to B & BW products. It was the spring of 2017 when I noticed red splotches all over my legs. I had went to a natural foods store with my boyfriend the day before, and picked up some natural soap. I used the natural stuff the next day and noticed the red splotches were gone. Okay, I thought, maybe it's just the scent that's irritating me. No big deal.

That wasn't the case. I used a different Bath and Body work shower gel, and had the same results. So I did what any broke college student would do. Go to Walmart and get some different soap. Tone was a brand that I remembered using as a kid at my dad's house, and never had a problem with. Let's try that. Two weeks goes by I'm fine. No red splotches. Then one night I got out of the shower, and my legs itched so bad. I mean this was an itch that felt like it was under the skin. This was an itch from hell. Nothing could get rid of it. Nothing at all. I knew then that I had to get to the bottom of what was causing it.

I looked at the ingredients to both bottles. What was the same? What could irritate the skin? Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Sodium Laureth Sulfate were two common ingredients in both soaps. These two ingredients gives the lather effect to your soaps, cleaning supplies, and oddly enough most toothpastes. I cut soaps out of my daily routine that had both surfactants, and I was fine. I was more than fine.

Have you ever used natural soap in the shower before? I dare you to try it. I felt so much cleaner after using it for a long period of time. Soon I had to switch to natural shampoos, toothpastes and laundry detergents. Living the sensitive life has been a pain, but it also has it's perks of living a healthier life, and giving me the opportunity to be more ecofriendly. I thought that my skin sensitivity would be the worse thing I would have to deal with in my twenties, but I was sadly mistaken.

In 2018 I noticed every now and then I would break out in my inner elbows if I was hot or stressed. Just a little rash no big deal. Coming home from Magee Marsh in 2019 after spending a day in the outdoors I noticed hives on my arms. It was the first time I had ever broken out in hives after being outside. Honestly, it was kind of scary, but it didn't happen the rest of the year. I thought it was a one time deal.

In the middle of March this year I noticed the hives again. Only this year it was worse. What do I mean by worse? I mean from mid March til End of June I couldn't go outside for more than ten minutes without long sleeves on. If I did go without long sleeves it was instant hives, and hours of trying not to itch. I felt defeated. When the days were starting to get hot I just chose to break out instead of sweat to death in some of my wick away long sleeves. I was always carrying itch cream of some sort in case of emergencies, and wasn't sure when it was going to be "safe" again to not have to wear sleeves. I just wanted to feel normal again.

Once July came whatever pollen that had been in the air had died down. I've had to still take allergy medicine because I'm still not in the clear. I still have my bad days (as I'm writing this my sinuses have been aching all day). I can't sit in the grass still because I will just itch (I can't go on trails with high grass because I'm just miserable afterwards). But with all the obstacles that my allergies have brought me I've learned to cope.

To all my friends with skin sensitivities and seasonal allergies let me share with you what helps. Witch Hazel has been my friend when it comes to hives. I read back when this all started that witch hazel can help relieve itchiness of hives. So I bought a bottle of Thayer's Skin Irritation Relief witch hazel, and that has been the best thing since sliced bread for itching. I even used it on my poison ivy this summer.

Natural beauty products are always your friend when it comes to skin sensitivities. My favorite name brands to use has been Shea Moisture, Burt's Bees, and Dr. Bronnners. Shae Moisture is a certified organic company, and makes you smell like something other than lavender. I prefer their smells over any of the Bath and Body Works scents I used to have. Burt's bees is just a calming mild natural soap great for sensitive skin. I use a lot of their skin care products and their toothpaste. I use Dr. Bronners soap on everything. This natural soap you can use on EVERYTHING. I use it in the shower, to wash my hands, wash my water bottles, and even my delicates. I've even made soap jellies with Dr. Bronners soap. It's just been an awesome soap to work with since I started having skin sensitivity.

In reality I don't think I will ever let my skin sensitivity not let me live my life. I've bought PFG long sleeve shirts that have bonus sun protection. I've prepared myself with anti itch cream in my purse so it's at the ready. I even keep my Flonase in my purse for just in case moments. I'm hoping to get an official allergy test this fall to finally know what has been actually making me break out in the outside world. Until then I'm not going to let it stop me from living my best life, and enjoy the one thing I absolutely love the most. Nature.



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