The hundred hike challenge is being done by women all over the world. An organization called Hiker Babes have challenged women outdoor enthusiasts with one simple task. A hundred hikes, no time frame just a journey. I've been wanting to do this challenge for over a year, but with my last job I had no time, and it seemed too easy of a challenge when I was taking hikes with the kids all the time. Now that I have my cushiony Post Office job and not an outside one I am left with feeling like I have no time to go hiking, and no motivation. So I'm taking the challenge, but with a little bit of a twist for myself.
I will be doing hundred hikes but each hike will be in a different place. No two hikes can be in the same place and if they are the second hike won't count. This is to make myself venture away from just going on hikes at my two local state parks. I haven't decided if all the hikes are going to be just in Ohio or if I'm going to include my hikes on our adventures this year. That will be determined later. I would like to get these done by the end of the year, but I'm not going to focus on a dead line. I'm going to take my time.
As I mentioned before this challenge is about the journey, and I intend to enjoy the journey. In a world of technology I feel that we forget about the great outdoors and how to enjoy. I, myself, have been guilty lately indulging in the world of technology, and forgetting about what it truly means to just enjoy being outside. I've been too focused on getting the perfect pictures for my blog, or my Instagram, or Facebook. I've been too worried about likes, follows, and views. I want to take this time to step back from all that. Learn to enjoy my hikes once again and take pictures because I enjoy to do so. I want to unplug but not disappear completely to keep my readers posted on what's going on.
I want to take this time to remind myself why I love hiking, nature, and the great outdoors. I want to enjoy life with my friends and family while doing this challenge. I also want to share the beauty of Ohio. I've talked to people about Ohio before, and sometimes people think it's just corn and big cities. I want to show a different side of Ohio, the beautiful forests, streams, and prairies. Share my experiences with wildlife, and nature through my pictures.
More than anything I want to use hiking and photography as therapy again. Hiking has been a big part of my life because it's been better than going to a therapist. It's helped me think about big decisions. when deciding to work at the outdoor school I was walking a local bike path for five miles in the snow. It's helped me cope with the pressures of everyday life. I have a favorite spot in my local state park that I hike with things are sour in life. It's helped me figure out who I am. I've learned a lot about myself on the trail.
My goal is to blog about each trail I hike on. To share my experiences I may have had previously on the trail. Talk about the history of the places I will be venturing to. Share about my time on the trail while doing this challenge. I'm hoping that sharing my experiences with these trails will get more people motivated to enjoy these trails. To get women motivated to take the challenge as well that Hiker Babes has made. To get people out and enjoying the great outdoors. I've already done hike number one so be on the lookout for the blog post. Until then happy trails!